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Back to school ... back to streaming, studying, sharing and doing more online

Fall brings cooler weather, changing leaves and back to school routines. It also brings the perfect time to re-evaluate your internet package.

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I Have a Smart TV. Do I Need a Streaming Device?

Chances are good that you have at least one smart TV in your household that you can use for streaming entertainment like TV and movies, gaming, music, and more. But you may have considered using a streaming device with your smart TV, especially if you’ve admired your friends’ savvy-looking setups and streaming interfaces.

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Five Common Types of Cyberbullying to Watch Out For

What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear the word “cyberbullying?” For many parents, it conjures up images of darkened rooms, computer screens, and anonymous faces. The prefix “cyber” gives it a retro, 90s alternative feel, back when everything on the internet was new and shiny.

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Centranet Named Best of Stillwater Internet Service Provider

Centranet recently won top honors in the Stillwater News Press “Best of Stillwater” contest. Every year, readers of the Stillwater News Press and followers of the newspaper’s social media profiles, websites and e-mail blasts celebrate the best businesses, organizations and people in a two-step process.

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Upgrade Underway

Central Rural Electric Cooperative’s electrical distribution system is at the beginning of a major system remodel as crews work to prepare it for fiber installation.

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